Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Dec 112015
Green Energy Pioneer Bullfrog Power Talks Energy Landscape

Bullfrog Power is an inspiring Canadian green energy success story. Since 2005 Bullfrog pioneers in providing easy solutions for large businesses like Walmart, Unilever, and RBC as well as individuals to power their homes and offices with 100% renewable energy. At their tenth anniversary I talk to CEO Ron Seftel on how the green energy landscape has evolved and how businesses may position themselves for the anticipated changes from our new climate-friendly federal and provincial governments.

Dec 022014
From Ground to Store: We Look at Carbon Neutral Wines

When you see a product that says carbon neutral, what does it mean? Guest contributor Arshabhi Rai looks into Italy’s number one selling wine in Canada, Santa Margherita’s Pinot Grigio. It is produced in Italy, imported into Canada by Lifford Wine, and certified by Carbonzero as carbon neutral. He investigates its Italian supply chain and production, shipping to Canada, and sales and consumption within Canada to learn what it means to be carbon neutral.

Apr 042013
The Real Price We Pay for Fossil Fuel Energy

Did you know our government spends money subsidizing fossil fuel energy to keep prices artificially low? A new International Monetary Fund study uncovers just how much these subsidies are and urges our governments to stop these market distortion practices. I calculate the real price we pay for fossil fuel energy and the results are astonishing.

Oct 232012
Oxford Properties Building New RBC Headquarters

Can your landlord help your business attract talents, reduce environmental footprint, and foster team collaboration? Royal Bank of Canada aims to achieve all that with its new Canadian headquarters in Toronto being built by Oxford Properties. I take a look at the special features custom designed for sustainability, employee engagement, and business strategies.