Apr 242012

I recently received a wonderful greeting card from Walmart. It is made of special seed paper that can be grown into a plant. For a company on the sustainability journey, the card itself delivers the message. I love it so much that I tracked down the card manufacturer.

When I got the card from Walmart, I thought it looked a little unusual as the paper has bumps all over its surface. It reminds me of decorative art paper from specialty art stores. On the back side is instruction on how to grow the card. It is really quite simple, essentially:

  • Tear the card into pieces
  • Bury the pieces in a pot filled with soil
  • Add water

I have not grown mine yet. But I love the card so much that I asked Walmart for the name of the card manufacturer, which turns out to be a Canadian company called Botanical PaperWorks. According to their web site, the seeds embedded in the paper will germinate and grow into a plant of flowers, herbs, or vegetables, depending on the seeds used in the paper. And the paper composts away in the soil. “Plantable paper is a biodegradable eco-paper that is made with post-consumer materials (no trees harmed for this paper!) and embedded with seeds.” You can see several photos of what the grown plants look like at Botanical PaperWorks’ web site.

In addition to a green environmental message, I also feel a card that grows conveys a sense of development, progress, nurture, and a promising future … perfect for sending out to clients. (Disclaimer: I have no relation with the card manufacturer.)

Photos by Carbon49

Derek Wong is a recognized expert at ShareGreen by Walmart, panel judge for Earth Day Canada, keynote speaker at Skills for the Green Economy, and guest speaker at University of Toronto. His innovative approach to employee engagement has led to case studies. Reach him by email or LinkedIn.

  5 Responses to “Send a Growable Card to Clients”

  1. Carbon49 – a blog on sustainability for Canadian businesses: Send a Growable Card to Clients: I recentl… http://t.co/BZbaT3DL #cdnprog

  2. Send a Growable Card to Clients – Walmart http://t.co/xerO1eWj #Seedpaper #Growth in #Marketing It’s what we do.. http://t.co/HNM1Fo5b

  3. Walmart’s see card, smart idea. Send a Growable Card to Clients http://t.co/BY9fODgl

  4. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing…

  5. Glad you liked it, Cristian!

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