employee engagement

Jun 202013
Employee Engagement Drives Sustainability Strategy

Have you considered how employee engagement can drive your sustainability strategy and how you can leverage sustainability initiatives to engage your employees and create a values-driven culture of collaboration and creativity? Guest contributor Izabela Popova looks into how Hewlett-Packard and Cadbury Schweppes do it, and how WWF can help.

Oct 232012
Oxford Properties Building New RBC Headquarters

Can your landlord help your business attract talents, reduce environmental footprint, and foster team collaboration? Royal Bank of Canada aims to achieve all that with its new Canadian headquarters in Toronto being built by Oxford Properties. I take a look at the special features custom designed for sustainability, employee engagement, and business strategies.

Jun 232011
Top Talents Attracted By Socially Responsible Corporations

Talents are key to success in today’s business. How much would a company pay to lower staff turnover rate by 12%? Best Employers in Canada winner LoyaltyOne achieved this through going green. I talked to Chief Sustainability Officer Debbie Baxter to see how embedding sustainability into their corporate culture changes the company.

Dec 142010
 Engaging Employees On Sustainability Can Pay Big Dividends

Why bother getting employees socially connected with their community or getting them involved in sustainability efforts? Over 50 people gathered at a recent Toronto Sustainability Speaker Series event to answer this question and to share ideas on how to use and celebrate human capital within organizations. Speaker Chris Jarvis, Co-Founder and Senior Consultant at RealizedWorth, shared the value in allowing employees to grow as people by sharing their unique passions and skills.